Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The cooler temperatures are upon us

With the beginning of October and fall temperatures inbound, it's time for our last pre-emergent herbicide of the year along with a wall to wall fertilizer. We are using Specticle for the third year and it has provided great poa control throughout the winter. A well blended granular fertilizer was applied on all turf to ensure a healthy plant going into dormancy. 

We are going to test a variety of shade tolerant Bermuda called TifGrand on the forward tees of #5 and #6. Our goal is to find the most suitable turf for our shaded tees. The two tees have already been sprayed and will be re-soded with TifGrand in the next week or two. They will be ready for play in the spring when we emerge from dormancy.

Adam and Rodney spraying out #6 tee